Sunday, 15 June 2014

MMU Grune Welt 2015 - Early Preparation and Troubleshooting

During the first week of last semester break (12th May-16th May 2014), while majority of the MMU students were enjoying the holiday leisurely, MMU Grune Welt team had rose and shone to do the early preparation and troubleshooting on the existing Eco-V3. Every member is divided into respective groups to handle different parts of Eco V3.
The following is the progress of pending task and the member in charge:
1.Design of test stand - Kar Jin and Vettel Soon
2. Sourcing the V-brake - Yi Lin and Vanisha Ashweeni Nandagopal
3. Chain guard design - Joel Yeo
4. The chain and the sprocket - Janet Tan and Alice Leong
5. Brake lever mounting design - Eric Yap
6. Jaw Clutch design - Kelvin Lee and William
7. Steering design - WeiXuan Chai
8. EFI - Wen Guey Cheaw and Clyde Ng

Issac, Eric and Yi Lin fixing the rear wheel into position to test position of the new V-Brake.

Kar Jin, Vettel and Issac are fixing up the base of the test stand.

Janet and Alice are trying out the fixing and compatibility of the new spacer in replacing of the old, worn out spacer.

Besides, the members also attended the Inventor Professional beginner course at CBT lab (FET 4th floor) guided by our very own supporting lecturers, Mr Lim Boon Kian and Mr Sim Hock Kheng. From this beginner course, the junior members will be benefited by the knowledge.

Apart from that, on 24th April 2014, Mr. Klaus from DK Composites came to MMU Melaka for a technical talk titled: "On the Path of Engineering -The design of MMU’s Eco-V3 Prototype Car"
The technical talk is a sharing session in designing of MMU's Eco-V3. DK Composites was very supportive in the making of MMU Eco- V3.

To get more information or updated by the progress of MMU Grune Welt- Eco V3, you may find us on Facebook MMU Grüne Welt

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